Restaurant Review Platform & App

Project Type

A company in Kuwait wanted to provide an online platform for customers where they can check the rating or reviews before visiting any restaurants. So they decided to contact Infoware  for a better solution. Shrayek is designed to address these problems in a personal and efficient manner. We created an experience that gives users a place to start new discussions with friends about different restaurants in any area, and also quickly share recommendations with low friction and maintain a location-based wishlist. 

Technologies & Tools Used

HTML 5, CSS 3, SCSS, PostgreSQL, jQuery, React.js

Key Challenges

It was quite challenging to deploy some unique, useful and advanced features in the application which helps in providing more engagement to its users. Perfection in the sense of UI (user interface) with smooth animations throughout was the last challenge for us.
SHRAYEK LOGO_edited.jpg

Proposition & Solution

  • We have deployed various advanced features so that it can create and publish content of partner restaurants in order to create more enhanced restaurant feedbacks and reviews

  • We ensured quality coding and testing before the delivery.

  • We considered the design and development aspect in sync with each other.


Our Contribution

Infoware created an online platform to discover restaurants. which allows users to discover restaurants and provides ratings and reviews on the restaurants listed on its platform. We communicated with over 130 people who made it clear that they put little faith in online recommendation and review platforms. Instead, they put far more weight on recommendations from friends or family.